Lewis Carroll Logic Problems - PE28
The original problem has 12 premisses and 13 attributes
1All inactive babies get fat
2Civilians are liable to toothache
3Those, who are always contented and happy are well fed
4A fat glutton is always happy
5Active soldiers have plenty of common sense
6No English alderman is badly fed
7Babies, except those in my family, are not always happy
8A glutton, if he has common sense, never goes into the army
9Well-fed people are liable to toothache, unless they are active
10All fat members of my family are aldermen
11Discontented foreigners are sometimes unhappy
12The only gluttons without any common sense are babies
The universe of discourse is persons . We will use the following dictionary:
Attribute symbolAttribute
calways contented
dalways happy
min my family
nliable to toothache
So the symbolic form of the premisses is as follows:
Premiss. There are no persons that areSymbolic form of premiss
1. not active, babies, not fat, a'ek'
2. not soldiers, not liable to toothache, s'n'
3. always contented, always happy, not well-fed, cdt'
4. fat, not always happy, gluttons, kld'
5. active, soldiers, not sensible, asr'
6. not well-fed, English, aldermen, hbt'
7. babies, always happy, not in my family, em'd
8. soldiers, gluttons, sensible, lrs
9. not active, not liable to toothache, well-fed, ta'n'
10. fat, not aldermen, in my family, kmb'
11. not always contented, always happy, not English, c'h'd
12. not babies, gluttons, not sensible, lr'e'
The registry is:
EntityAppears inComplement appears in
a5 1 9
b6 10
c3 11
d3 7 11 4
e1 7 12
h6 11
k4 10 1
l4 8 12
m10 7
n2 9
r8 5 12
s5 8 2
t9 3 6
and the barred premises are as follows:
1 barred by4 10
2 barred by5 8
4 barred by3 7 11
5 barred by1 9
8 barred by5 12
9 barred by3 6
12 barred by1 7
Solution to be tested is n'l

This document was last updated 7 September 2020

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