Lewis Carroll Logic Problems - PE10
The original problem has 23 premisses and 26 attributes
1I take snuff
2No uncourteous snuff-taker is popular
3Publicans, who drink toast-and-water, are wise
4Those who read Tupper go to bed early
5A realIy humble man, who is a bad violinist, is unhappy
6All who do not go to plays are readers of Tupper
7Old people, who cannot easily be excited, never get front seats
8My brothers think that pigs can fly
9A man, who goes to bed earIy, and lies there till noon, is an utter villain
10Unhappy men always drink toast-and-water
11The only contented man in the worId is myself
12No wise man thinks that pigs can fly
13No one is an utter villain, if he reads Tupper
14Snuff-takers, who have a right to sneeze, should be forebearing
15An inattentive play-goer is difficult to excite
16No man, who does not think that pigs can fly, need be forbearing
17No conceited man is happy
18Poor oId saddlers have a right to sneeze
19No toast-and-water drinker reads Tupper, unless he lies in bed till noon
20Saddlers are never good vioIinists
21None but publicans think that pigs can fly
22Play-goers, who do not get front seats, have no right to sneeze
23All courteous men, except my brothers, are inattentive
The universe of discourse is men . We will use the following dictionary:
Attribute symbolAttribute
Ereaders of Tupper
Jutter villains
edrinking toast-and-water
kgetting front seats
lgoing to bed early
mgood violinists
rhaving right to sneeze
tlying in bed till noon
vmen who should be forebearing
wmen who think that pigs can fly
zmy brothers
So the symbolic form of the premisses is as follows:
Premiss. There are no men that areSymbolic form of premiss
1. I, not snuff-takers, sH'
2. snuff-takers, not courteous, popular, d'HC
3. publicans, drinking toast-and-water, not wise, DeL'
4. readers of Tupper, not going to bed early, El'
5. not conceited, not good violinists, happy, b'm'n
6. not readers of Tupper, not play-goers, B'E'
7. old, not excitable, getting front seats, Ah'k
8. my brothers, not men who think that pigs can fly, zw'
9. going to bed early, lying in bed till noon, not utter villains, ltJ'
10. not drinking toast-and-water, not happy, n'e'
11. not I, contented, cs'
12. wise, men who think that pigs can fly, Lw
13. readers of Tupper, utter villains, JE
14. snuff-takers, having right to sneeze, not men who should be forebearing, Hrv'
15. play-goers, excitable, not attentive, a'Bh
16. not men who think that pigs can fly, men who should be forebearing, w'v
17. conceited, happy, bn
18. old, not having right to sneeze, not rich, saddlers, F'AGr'
19. drinking toast-and-water, readers of Tupper, not lying in bed till noon, eEt'
20. good violinists, saddlers, Gm
21. not publicans, men who think that pigs can fly, wD'
22. play-goers, not getting front seats, having right to sneeze, Bk'r
23. courteous, not my brothers, attentive, dz'a
The registry is:
EntityAppears inComplement appears in
A7 18
B15 22 6
D3 21
E4 13 19 6
G18 20
H2 14 1
J13 9
L12 3
a23 15
b17 5
d23 2
e3 19 10
h15 7
k7 22
l9 4
m20 5
n5 17 10
r14 22 18
s1 11
t9 19
v16 14
w12 21 8 16
z8 23
and the barred premises are as follows:
1 barred by2 14
6 barred by15 22 4 13 19
10 barred by3 19
18 barred by14 22
Solution to be tested is CAcF'G

This document was last updated 7 September 2020

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