Lewis Carroll Logic Problems - PE09
The original problem has 25 premisses and 28 attributes
1Tall men, who drive about in carriages, are cheered by the little boys;
2Men with blue eyes, who like running across a ploughed field, are worth looking at;
3All the grocers in the street have grey hair;
4A man, who is listened to with respect, can influence others;
5Men with long beards, who look like patriarchs, are all Jews;
6A tall man, who has sprained his ankle, walks lame;
7Rbeumatic men, who are fond of arm-chairs, are fretful;
8All men, who are over ninety years old, are wrinkled;
9No influential man, who is cheered by little boys, is an object of scorn;
10Men, who hold up their heads, are fascinating, provided that they have blue eyes;
11All the men in this street, who have long beards, look like goats;
12All short wise-looking men are grocers;
13A wrinkled grey-haired man is always fond of an arm-chair;
14A man, who is fit to be a judge and is cheered by the little boys, is always conceited;
15All grocers have blue eyes and long beards;
16Wise-Iooking men are always listened to with respect;
17All men, who are Jews, and who look like goats, suffer from rheumatism;
18All the tall men in this street are fit to be judges;
19No grey-haired man is fascinating if he is fretful;
20Conceited men, who drive in carriages, are objects of scorn;
21No man in this street is worth looking at unless he holds up his head;
22All wrinkled men look wise;
23A man, who looks like a goat, is not listened to with respect, unless he also looks like a patriarch;
24A man, who is fit to be a judge and who can influence others, drives about in a carriage if he happens to walk lame.
The universe of discourse is men . We will use the following dictionary:
Attribute symbolAttribute
Aliking to run across a ploughed field
Blistened to with respect
Clooking like a goat
Dlooking like a patriarch
Elooking wise
Fobjects of scorn
Gover ninety
Mwalking lame
Nworth looking at
bcheered by the little boys
ddriving about in a carriage
hfit to be a judge
kfond of arm-chairs
rhaving a long beard
shaving sprained his ankle
tholding up his head
win this street
So the symbolic form of the premisses is as follows:
Premiss. There are no men that areSymbolic form of premiss
1. tall, driving about in a carriage, not cheered by the little boys, Ldb'
2. blue-eyed, liking to run across a ploughed field, not worth looking at, aAN'
3. grocers, in this street, not grey-haired, nwm'
4. listened to with respect, not influential, Bv'
5. having a long beard, looking like a patriarch, not Jews, rDz'
6. tall, having sprained his ankle, not walking lame, LsM'
7. rheumatic, fond of arm-chairs, not fretful, Hkl'
8. over ninety, not wrinkled, GP'
9. cheered by the little boys, influential, objects of scorn, vbF
10. blue-eyed, holding up his head, not fascinating, tae'
11. in this street, having a long beard, not looking like a goat, wrC'
12. not tall, not grocers, looking wise, L'En'
13. grey-haired, not fond of arm-chairs, wrinkled, Pmk'
14. cheered by the little boys, fit to be a judge, not conceited, hbc'
15. not blue-eyed, grocers, na'
16. grocers, not having a long beard, nr'
17. not listened to with respect, looking wise, EB'
18. Jews, not rheumatic, looking like a goat, zCH'
19. tall, not fit to be a judge, Lh'
20. grey-haired, fretful, fascinating, mle
21. driving about in a carriage, not objects of scorn, conceited, cdF'
22. worth looking at, in this street, not holding up his head, wt'N
23. wrinkled, not looking wise, PE'
24. listened to with respect, not looking like a patriarch, looking like a goat, CD'B
25. not driving about in a carriage, influential, walking lame, fit to be a judge, hvMd'
The registry is:
EntityAppears inComplement appears in
B4 24 17
C18 24 11
D5 24
E12 17 23
F9 21
H7 18
L1 6 19 12
M25 6
N22 2
P13 23 8
a2 10 15
b9 14 1
c21 14
d1 21 25
e20 10
h14 25 19
k7 13
l20 7
m13 20 3
n3 15 16 12
r5 11 16
t10 22
v9 25 4
w3 11 22
z18 5
and the barred premises are as follows:
1 barred by9 14
3 barred by13 20
4 barred by9 25
8 barred by13 23
11 barred by18 24
12 barred by1 6 19
15 barred by2 10
16 barred by5 11
17 barred by4 24
19 barred by14 25
23 barred by12 17
25 barred by1 21
Solution to be tested is AwsG

This document was last updated 7 September 2020

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