Lewis Carroll Logic Problems - PE07
The original problem has 25 premisses and 27 attributes
1Fortunate men, who are lawyers' clerks, are always hungry;
2All the basket-makers are out of work;
3A man without self-restraint is helped five times to plum-pudding;
4No one but Whittington ever heard bells speak ;
5A poor man, who has self-restraint, never wears slíppers ;
6No lean and slippered pantaloon is respected;
7A man, who is helped five times to plum-pudding, is a glutton ;
8Those who complain always get listened to;
9A rich man, who has never heard bells speak, is always lean;
10None but lawyers' clerks have self-restraint ;
11A pantomime actor, who wears slippers, is a pantaloon ;
12A man, who talks without cessation when any one will listen to him, is a bore;
13The famous Whittington was elected Lord Mayor;
14All lean persons, who are self-restrained, act in pantomimes;
15Those who never complain get underpaid;
16Egoists are intolerable;
17Any one, who has heard bells speak, is fortunate;
18No hungry lawyer's clerk was ever elected Lord Mayor;
19All letter-carriers, who do not live in this village, complain if under-paid ;
20Any one, who is listened to, will talk without cessation;
21Pantaloons, employed in pantomimes, are respected if rich;
22All, who have not heard bells speak, are egoists;
23A bore is endurable, provided he does not wear slippers;
24Hungry men, who have failed to become famous, never complain;
25The people in this village are all basket-makers.
The universe of discourse is men . We will use the following dictionary:
Attribute symbolAttribute
Ftalking without cessation
mhaving heard bells speak
nhelped five times to plum-pudding
sin this village
tlawyers' clerks
vlistened to
wLord Mayor
xout of work
So the symbolic form of the premisses is as follows:
Premiss. There are no men that areSymbolic form of premiss
1. fortunate, lawyers' clerks, not hungry, ktr'
2. basket-makers, not out of work, ax'
3. not self-restraining, not helped five times to plum-pudding, D'n'
4. having heard bells speak, not Whittington. , mJ'
5. self-restraining, not rich, slippered , C'DE
6. slippered , not fat, pantaloons, respected, h'EzB
7. helped five times to plum-pudding, not gluttons, nl'
8. complaining, not listened to, cv'
9. not having heard bells speak, rich, fat, Cm'h
10. not lawyers' clerks, self-restraining, Dt'
11. slippered , not pantaloons, pantomimists, AEz'
12. listened to, talking without cessation, not bores, Fvb'
13. Whittington. , not Lord Mayor, Jw'
14. self-restraining, not fat, not pantomimists, h'DA'
15. not complaining, not underpaid, c'H'
16. egoists, tolerable, dG
17. not fortunate, having heard bells speak, mk'
18. lawyers' clerks, hungry, Lord Mayor, rtw
19. not complaining, underpaid, letter-carriers, not in this village, us'Hc'
20. listened to, not talking without cessation, vF'
21. rich, pantaloons, not respected, pantomimists, zACB'
22. not having heard bells speak, not egoists, m'd'
23. slippered , bores, tolerable, bEG
24. hungry, complaining, not famous, re'c
25. not basket-makers, in this village, sa'
The registry is:
EntityAppears inComplement appears in
A11 21 14
B6 21
C9 21 5
D5 10 14 3
E5 6 11 23
F12 20
G16 23
H19 15
J13 4
a2 25
b23 12
c8 24 15 19
d16 22
h9 6 14
k1 17
m4 17 9 22
n7 3
r18 24 1
s25 19
t1 18 10
v12 20 8
w18 13
z6 21 11
and the barred premises are as follows:
1 barred by18 24
3 barred by5 10 14
5 barred by9 21
8 barred by12 20
9 barred by6 14
10 barred by1 18
11 barred by6 21
14 barred by11 21
Solution to be tested is x'El'Gue'

This document was last updated 7 September 2020

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