Lewis Carroll Logic Problems - PE05
The original problem has 39 premisses and 43 attributes
1All Jews wear beards;
2No learned traveler cares for pitch-and-toss ;
3All Frenchmen walk fast;
4A good-humoured cab-driver is always graceful;
5The house is empty, unless Ebenezer is in it;
6No discontented person is interesting, unless he has traveled a good deal;
7Those who can see always avoid pigs;
8People with heads on their shoulders are not irritating, so long as they do not talk too much;
9A Gentile, who is easily taken in, ought not to buy a horse;
10Any one, who is willing to be painted green, is a discontented idiot;
11No one of learning, if very remarkable, travels much;
12Any one, who has not been educated by a pig, will take to smoking, unless he is threatened with a blunderbuss ;
13All, who are not in the house, have heads on their shoulders;
14Nothing but a pig can be made into bacon;
15The learned are always interesting;
16No squinting Jew is fond of pigs;
17Those, who wear beards and look shy, are in failing health ;
18Any one, who looks anxious, is an irritating bore;
19All idiots are fretful and troublesome;
20When a cab-driver retires from business, he is always threatened with a blunderbuss;
21None but Frenchmen are fat and yet graceful;
22Those, who wear beards, always retire from business when their health fails;
23Gentiles are easily taken in;
24Any fretful creature, that grunts, can be made into bacon;
25Those who are dull are not troublesome, so long as they have some sense in their heads;
26Those, who are fat and wish to ride, are always good-hurnoured;
27Those, who are unlearned, but still avoid pigs, have some sense in their heads;
28Any one, who is willing to be painted green and does not care for pitch-and-toss, is very remarkable ;
29A talkative cab-driver is never a bore;
30All bearded Frenchmen, who squint, are fond of pigs;
31A Jewish cab-driver always looks shy;
32Ebenezer will never take to smoking, unless he is threatened with a blunderbuss;
33No fat pigs walk fast;
34The unlearned are always dull;
35Creatures, that are not pigs, but have been educated by pigs, always grunt;
36Those, who have heads on their shoulders, always look anxious;
37Any one, who is blind and easily taken in, may buy a horse, provided he does not wish to ride;
38All pigs are fat;
40N.B. Two of these Premisses are superfluous. Which are they?]
The universe of discourse is creatures . We will use the following dictionary:
Attribute symbolAttribute
Ahaving a head on his shoulders
Bhaving some sense in his head
Ein the house
Fvery remarkable
Kwalking fast
Llooking anxious
Mlooking shy
Pretiring from business
Vwilling to be painted green
Wwishing to ride.
Xthreatened with a blunderbuss
aable to see
bavoiding pigs
fcapable of being made into bacon
hcaring for pitch-and-toss
kcreatures who may buy a horse
measily taken
peducated by a pig
qfailing in health
sfond of pigs
So the symbolic form of the premisses is as follows:
Premiss. There are no creatures that areSymbolic form of premiss
1. Jews, not bearded, Hc'
2. learned, travellers, caring for pitch-and-toss, Jgh
3. Frenchmen, not walking fast, tK'
4. cab-drivers, good-humoured, not graceful, ewy'
5. not Ebenezer, in the house, n'E
6. not travellers, interesting, not contented, Dj'g'
7. able to see, not avoiding pigs, ab'
8. having a head on his shoulders, not talkative, irritating, AT'G
9. not Jews, easily taken, creatures who may buy a horse, H'mk
10. not contented, willing to be painted green, not idiots, VC'j'
11. learned, travellers, very remarkable, JFg
12. not educated by a pig, smokers, threatened with a blunderbuss, p'QX
13. not in the house, not having a head on his shoulders, E'A'
14. not pigs, capable of being made into bacon, N'f
15. learned, not interesting, JD'
16. Jews, squinting, fond of pigs, RHs
17. bearded, looking shy, not failing in health, Mcq'
18. not irritating, looking anxious, not bores, LG'd'
19. idiots, not fretful, Cv'
20. cab-drivers, not threatened with a blunderbuss, retiring from business, ePX'
21. not Frenchmen, graceful, fat, ryt'
22. bearded, failing in health, not retiring from business, cqP'
23. not Jews, not easily taken, H'm'
24. not capable of being made into bacon, fretful, grunting, vzf'
25. dull, not troublesome, not having some sense in his head, lu'B'
26. not good-humoured, fat, wishing to ride. , rWw'
27. not learned, avoiding pigs, not having some sense in his head, J'bB'
28. not caring for pitch-and-toss, willing to be painted green, not very remarkable, Vh'F'
29. cab-drivers, talkative, bores, eTd
30. Frenchmen, squinting, not fond of pigs, tRs'
31. Jews, cab-drivers, not looking shy, HeM'
32. Ebenezer, smokers, not threatened with a blunderbuss, nX'Q
33. not walking fast, pigs, fat, rNK'
34. not learned, not dull, J'l'
35. educated by a pig, not pigs, not grunting, N'pz'
36. having a head on his shoulders, not looking anxious, AL'
37. not able to see, easily taken, creatures who may buy a horse, wishing to ride. , a'mWk
38. pigs, not fat, Nr'
39. idiots, not troublesome, Cu'
The registry is:
EntityAppears inComplement appears in
A8 36 13
B25 27
C19 39 10
D6 15
E5 13
F11 28
G8 18
H1 16 31 9 23
J2 11 15 27 34
K3 33
L18 36
M17 31
N33 38 14 35
P20 22
Q12 32
R16 30
T29 8
V10 28
W26 37
X12 20 32
a7 37
b27 7
c17 22 1
d29 18
e4 20 29 31
f14 24
g2 11 6
h2 28
j6 10
k9 37
l25 34
m9 37 23
n32 5
p35 12
q22 17
r21 26 33 38
s16 30
t3 30 21
u25 39
v24 19
w4 26
y21 4
z24 35
and the barred premises are as follows:
1 barred by17 22
6 barred by2 11
10 barred by19 39
12 barred by20 32
13 barred by8 36
21 barred by3 30
23 barred by9 37
38 barred by21 26 33
Solution to be tested is K'ej'kVQRu'B'W

This document was last updated 7 September 2020

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