Lewis Carroll Logic Problems - PE03
The original problem has 36 premisses and 38 attributes
1All whom I have taught, except my own sons, know something;
2A contented barber is a welcome visitor;
3All, except those who are in this house, are good scholars;
4All the dandies, who have been plucked, are grinning;
5Any one, who admires a bald head, is either a brother of mine or is in good spirits;
6Those, who do not think intensely, know nothing;
7Nobody with a headache likes beating a gong;
8Any one in this house, who makes foolish remarks, is a son of mine;
9None who value health like toffy;
10All barbers wear white aprons;
11A fanciful man, who does not read hard, is always complaining;
12Peter is a candidate for Matriculation;
13All, who do little, except my sons, are contented;
14The candidates for Responsions, who have not been plucked, are all in good spirits;
15No son of' mine, who is in good health, is a dandy;
16Good scholars, who think intensely but have no self-respect, are boastful;
17My brothers are al! barbers;
18Any one, who wears a white apron and can endure a hurdy-gurdy, is worthy of honour;
19Nobody, who respects himself, dances jigs while at lessons;
20Those of my sons, who are always complaining, are ambitious men;
21All the hard-reading men, who have been plucked, are dandies;
22All barbers, who are worthy of honour, dance jigs;
23Any one, who has a headache, either thinks intensely or is one of my old pupils;
24Boasters do little;
25Those, who do not value their health, like beating a gong when they are not at lessons;
26All, except good scholars, make foolish remarks;
27Those, who respect themselves, are mild in manner;
28All my sons, except Peter, are candidates for Responsions;
29Barbers, who grin, are in good health;
30Any one in good spirits, who does not like beating a gong, cannot endure a hurdy-gurdy;
31All ambitious men read hard ;
32All candidates for Matriculation have been plucked;
33No boaster is a welcome visitor;
34All persons, who are mild in manner, except my sons, like toffy;
35Any one, who does not admire a bald head, is a barber;
36All, who indulge in reverie, are fanciful men
The universe of discourse is persons . We will use the following dictionary:
Attribute symbolAttribute
Bindulging in reverie
Cin good spirits
Din this house
Eknowing something
Fliking to beat a gong
Gliking toffy
Hmaking foolish remarks
Jmild in manner
Lmy brothers
Mmy sons
Rtaught by me
Tthinking intensely
Vvaluing health
Wwearing a white apron
Xwelcome visitors
Yworthy of honour.
aable to endure a hurdy-gurdy
badmiring a bald head
cambitious men
dat lessons
kcandidates for Matriculation
lcandidates for Responsions
rdancing jigs
tdoing little
ufanciful men
vgood scholars
xhard-reading men
zhaving a headache
So the symbolic form of the premisses is as follows:
Premiss. There are no persons that areSymbolic form of premiss
1. taught by me, not my sons, not knowing something, RM'E'
2. contented, barbers, not welcome visitors, neX'
3. not in this house, not good scholars, D'v'
4. dandies, plucked, not grinning, sPw'
5. not barbers, admiring a bald head, not my brothers, bL'e'
6. knowing something, not thinking intensely, T'E
7. having a headache, liking to beat a gong, zF
8. not my sons, in this house, making foolish remarks, DHM'
9. valuing health, liking toffy, VG
10. barbers, not wearing a white apron, eW'
11. fanciful men, not hard-reading men, not complaining, ux'm'
12. Peter, not candidates for Matriculation, Nk'
13. not my sons, not contented, doing little, tM'n'
14. not barbers, not plucked, candidates for Responsions, lP'e'
15. my sons, dandies, healthy, MAs
16. good scholars, thinking intensely, not self-respecting, not boasters, vTQ'h'
17. not barbers, my brothers, Le'
18. wearing a white apron, able to endure a hurdy-gurdy, not worthy of honour. , WaY'
19. self-respecting, dancing jigs, at lessons, Qrd
20. my sons, complaining, not ambitious men , Mmc'
21. not dandies, plucked, hard-reading men, xPs'
22. barbers, worthy of honour. , not dancing jigs, eYr'
23. not taught by me, not thinking intensely, having a headache, zT'R'
24. not doing little, boasters, ht'
25. not liking to beat a gong, not valuing health, not at lessons, V'd'F'
26. not good scholars, not making foolish remarks, v'H'
27. self-respecting, not mild in manner, QJ'
28. my sons, not Peter, not candidates for Responsions, MN'l'
29. barbers, grinning, not healthy, ewA'
30. not liking to beat a gong, able to endure a hurdy-gurdy, in good spirits, CF'a
31. not hard-reading men, ambitious men , cx'
32. not plucked, candidates for Matriculation, kP'
33. welcome visitors, boasters, hX
34. not my sons, not liking toffy, mild in manner, JM'G'
35. not barbers, not admiring a bald head, b'e'
36. not fanciful men, indulging in reverie, Bu'
The registry is:
EntityAppears inComplement appears in
A15 29
D8 3
E6 1
F7 25 30
G9 34
H8 26
J34 27
L17 5
M15 20 28 1 8 13 34
N12 28
P4 21 14 32
Q19 27 16
R1 23
T16 6 23
V9 25
W18 10
X33 2
Y22 18
a18 30
b5 35
c31 20
d19 25
e2 10 22 29 5 14 17 35
h24 33 16
k32 12
l14 28
m20 11
n2 13
r19 22
s4 15 21
t13 24
u11 36
v16 3 26
w29 4
x21 11 31
z7 23
and the barred premises are as follows:
7 barred by25 30
16 barred by19 27 6 23
21 barred by4 15 11 31
Solution to be tested is zaCB

This document was last updated 7 September 2020

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