Number | Premiss |
1 | All whom I have taught, except my own sons, know something; |
2 | A contented barber is a welcome visitor; |
3 | All, except those who are in this house, are good scholars; |
4 | All the dandies, who have been plucked, are grinning; |
5 | Any one, who admires a bald head, is either a brother of mine or is in good spirits; |
6 | Those, who do not think intensely, know nothing; |
7 | Nobody with a headache likes beating a gong; |
8 | Any one in this house, who makes foolish remarks, is a son of mine; |
9 | None who value health like toffy; |
10 | All barbers wear white aprons; |
11 | A fanciful man, who does not read hard, is always complaining; |
12 | Peter is a candidate for Matriculation; |
13 | All, who do little, except my sons, are contented; |
14 | The candidates for Responsions, who have not been plucked, are all in good spirits; |
15 | No son of' mine, who is in good health, is a dandy; |
16 | Good scholars, who think intensely but have no self-respect, are boastful; |
17 | My brothers are al! barbers; |
18 | Any one, who wears a white apron and can endure a hurdy-gurdy, is worthy of honour; |
19 | Nobody, who respects himself, dances jigs while at lessons; |
20 | Those of my sons, who are always complaining, are ambitious men; |
21 | All the hard-reading men, who have been plucked, are dandies; |
22 | All barbers, who are worthy of honour, dance jigs; |
23 | Any one, who has a headache, either thinks intensely or is one of my old pupils; |
24 | Boasters do little; |
25 | Those, who do not value their health, like beating a gong when they are not at lessons; |
26 | All, except good scholars, make foolish remarks; |
27 | Those, who respect themselves, are mild in manner; |
28 | All my sons, except Peter, are candidates for Responsions; |
29 | Barbers, who grin, are in good health; |
30 | Any one in good spirits, who does not like beating a gong, cannot endure a hurdy-gurdy; |
31 | All ambitious men read hard ; |
32 | All candidates for Matriculation have been plucked; |
33 | No boaster is a welcome visitor; |
34 | All persons, who are mild in manner, except my sons, like toffy; |
35 | Any one, who does not admire a bald head, is a barber; |
36 | All, who indulge in reverie, are fanciful men |
Attribute symbol | Attribute |
A | healthy |
B | indulging in reverie |
C | in good spirits |
D | in this house |
E | knowing something |
F | liking to beat a gong |
G | liking toffy |
H | making foolish remarks |
J | mild in manner |
L | my brothers |
M | my sons |
N | Peter |
P | plucked |
Q | self-respecting |
R | taught by me |
T | thinking intensely |
V | valuing health |
W | wearing a white apron |
X | welcome visitors |
Y | worthy of honour. |
a | able to endure a hurdy-gurdy |
b | admiring a bald head |
c | ambitious men |
d | at lessons |
e | barbers |
h | boasters |
k | candidates for Matriculation |
l | candidates for Responsions |
m | complaining |
n | contented |
r | dancing jigs |
s | dandies |
t | doing little |
u | fanciful men |
v | good scholars |
w | grinning |
x | hard-reading men |
z | having a headache |
Premiss. There are no persons that are | Symbolic form of premiss |
1. taught by me, not my sons, not knowing something, | RM'E' |
2. contented, barbers, not welcome visitors, | neX' |
3. not in this house, not good scholars, | D'v' |
4. dandies, plucked, not grinning, | sPw' |
5. not barbers, admiring a bald head, not my brothers, | bL'e' |
6. knowing something, not thinking intensely, | T'E |
7. having a headache, liking to beat a gong, | zF |
8. not my sons, in this house, making foolish remarks, | DHM' |
9. valuing health, liking toffy, | VG |
10. barbers, not wearing a white apron, | eW' |
11. fanciful men, not hard-reading men, not complaining, | ux'm' |
12. Peter, not candidates for Matriculation, | Nk' |
13. not my sons, not contented, doing little, | tM'n' |
14. not barbers, not plucked, candidates for Responsions, | lP'e' |
15. my sons, dandies, healthy, | MAs |
16. good scholars, thinking intensely, not self-respecting, not boasters, | vTQ'h' |
17. not barbers, my brothers, | Le' |
18. wearing a white apron, able to endure a hurdy-gurdy, not worthy of honour. , | WaY' |
19. self-respecting, dancing jigs, at lessons, | Qrd |
20. my sons, complaining, not ambitious men , | Mmc' |
21. not dandies, plucked, hard-reading men, | xPs' |
22. barbers, worthy of honour. , not dancing jigs, | eYr' |
23. not taught by me, not thinking intensely, having a headache, | zT'R' |
24. not doing little, boasters, | ht' |
25. not liking to beat a gong, not valuing health, not at lessons, | V'd'F' |
26. not good scholars, not making foolish remarks, | v'H' |
27. self-respecting, not mild in manner, | QJ' |
28. my sons, not Peter, not candidates for Responsions, | MN'l' |
29. barbers, grinning, not healthy, | ewA' |
30. not liking to beat a gong, able to endure a hurdy-gurdy, in good spirits, | CF'a |
31. not hard-reading men, ambitious men , | cx' |
32. not plucked, candidates for Matriculation, | kP' |
33. welcome visitors, boasters, | hX |
34. not my sons, not liking toffy, mild in manner, | JM'G' |
35. not barbers, not admiring a bald head, | b'e' |
36. not fanciful men, indulging in reverie, | Bu' |
Entity | Appears in | Complement appears in |
A | 15 | 29 |
B | 36 | |
C | 30 | |
D | 8 | 3 |
E | 6 | 1 |
F | 7 | 25 30 |
G | 9 | 34 |
H | 8 | 26 |
J | 34 | 27 |
L | 17 | 5 |
M | 15 20 28 | 1 8 13 34 |
N | 12 | 28 |
P | 4 21 | 14 32 |
Q | 19 27 | 16 |
R | 1 | 23 |
T | 16 | 6 23 |
V | 9 | 25 |
W | 18 | 10 |
X | 33 | 2 |
Y | 22 | 18 |
a | 18 30 | |
b | 5 | 35 |
c | 31 | 20 |
d | 19 | 25 |
e | 2 10 22 29 | 5 14 17 35 |
h | 24 33 | 16 |
k | 32 | 12 |
l | 14 | 28 |
m | 20 | 11 |
n | 2 | 13 |
r | 19 | 22 |
s | 4 15 | 21 |
t | 13 | 24 |
u | 11 | 36 |
v | 16 | 3 26 |
w | 29 | 4 |
x | 21 | 11 31 |
z | 7 23 |
7 | barred by | 25 30 |
16 | barred by | 19 27 6 23 |
21 | barred by | 4 15 11 31 |
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